Patras 20th High School

We intend to let you know all news about 20th High School of Patras


Our friends from Sardinia

We were really excited when we accepted our twin school Lamarmora + Canelles from Iglesias, Sardinia, for the second year. Our students got to know their penfriends in person, presented the cultural project we have been working on, played various games (volleyball and football mostly) and had a really great time together. It's a wonderful feeling to see youngsters of different cultures to get together and deal in really friendly terms. Our special thanks to the soul of these activities, our colleague Mrs Angela Pinna, for all their hard efforts in order to make this meeting a reality! Promises were given for meeting once again, either in Patras or in Sardinia. They even playes some traditional Sardinian songs as a group. That was certainly great funs. Many thanks to all of them as well. Here are some of the students from both schools together plus their band singing for us. A new post will follow with more photos from Flickr maybe.


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